Day-21 Prompt-Instrument

I would love to learn how to play a Flute. I am a follower of Lord Krishna. As far as I can remember, I always accompanied my father to the temple
and there were huge paintings and sculptures of Lord Krishna playing a flute and all the Gopis swooning around him. It is said that none of the Gopis could resist the sound of Lord Krishna’s flute they would come running to hear him play the flute. It is also said that Lord Krishna would take his cows for grazing while playing the flute and they all followed him and the sound of his flute blindly. There are several myths and stories like this and they always fascinated me as a child. Also during my graduation, the city I used to live in, had a lake, I loved visiting that lake and every evening there used to be an old man who used to play soul soothing flute at the lake. I used to sit there for hours, looking at the people, the lake, the trees and everything the flute playing in the background used to be the best part.
One day when I will finally manage to learn how to play a flute,I will play my favourite song on it that is Bhage re maan from the movie Chameli.
The song begins with a flute being played.

Published by Tanya

fearless but fragile....

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